Lab-Grown Diamonds VS Natural Diamonds

Because lab-grown diamonds are of the same material as mined diamonds, there are no differences distinguished physically, chemically, or optically between them. They also show the same hardness on the MOH scale and, hence, are long-lasting.

If you are going to purchase diamonds, then the origin of your diamond will be noted on your diamond certificate, stating if your stone is a mined or a lab-grown diamond.

Lab-Grown Diamonds VS Natural Diamonds

Because lab-grown diamonds are of the same material as mined diamonds, there are no differences distinguished physically, chemically, or optically between them. They also show the same hardness on the MOH scale and, hence, are long-lasting.

If you are going to purchase diamonds, then the origin of your diamond will be noted on your diamond certificate, stating if your stone is a mined or a lab-grown diamond.

Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-created diamonds can be produced using two different techniques: HPHT and CVD.

Using the HPHT technique, lab-created diamonds are grown from a small carbon seed placed into a chamber of heat and pressure that simulates the natural method of diamond formation. Once the diamond has matured—approximately six to ten weeks—it is then cut and polished.

In the process of CVD, a diamond seed is inserted into a vacuum chamber. This chamber is filled with carbon-rich gases and heated nearly to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, 815°C. Due to these very high temperatures, the gas turns into plasma, which starts releasing carbon pieces. The carbon pieces then get layered onto the diamond seed and grow the diamond. Unlike natural diamonds that were formed in the earth's crust, lab-grown diamonds are cultivated in labs.

These diamonds have no visible differences in appearance, quality, and durability compared to mined diamonds. The physical, chemical, and optical properties of such diamonds, in fact, cannot be distinguished; this includes their hardness on the MOH scale, which assures everlasting radiance. Verification of a diamond's origin, mined or lab-grown, comes with the diamond certificate during your diamond shopping journey.

How are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

Lab-grown diamonds can be created using two different techniques: HPHT and CVD.

Using the HPHT technique, Lab-created diamonds are grown from a small amount of carbon, called a seed, placed into a chamber with heat and pressure that simulates the natural way diamonds form. Once the diamond reaches maturity—about six to ten weeks—it is then cut and polished.

The CVD method drops a diamond seed into a vacuum chamber. This chamber is then filled with carbon-rich gases and heated to almost 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of these very high temperatures, the gas turns to plasma, which then releases carbon pieces. These carbon pieces layer on the diamond seed and grow the diamond.


Like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds can be sent for grading. They are submitted to one of the many gem institutes, where they are evaluated by several different gemologists. Those assessments are compiled and averaged to determine the final grade of the lab-grown diamond. Not all lab-grown diamonds are certified and graded. The smaller stones may not be, and some lab grown diamond jewelry dealers may not certify theirs. At KlaraAllen, we grade many lab-created diamonds to help make your lab-grown diamond purchase experience more transparent.

Why Choose Lab Diamonds?

Ethical Sourcing

Customer Environmental Impact

Quality and Purity



Moissanite's a star-born gemstone. In 1893, it was discovered by French scientist Henri Moissan, who would later be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He discovered microscopic particles of what would eventually be known as the gem in Arizona, in a crater created by a fallen meteorite. Believing initially that he had stumbled upon diamonds, he discovered later that the crystals were actually silicon carbide.

Knowing that natural moissanite is highly rare, the moissanite available to consumers today is lab-created. It took many years of trial and error, but Moissan's particles were eventually synthesized to become what is now one of the world's most scintillating gemstones.

Moissanite is a diamond simulant designed to look like a diamond but differs in actuality from a true diamond both by composition and appearance. The two stones vary significantly where durability, brilliance, and color are concerned. One common property shared between the two stones is that they are both good conductors of heat.

How are Moissanites Made?

Moissanites are made by synthesizing silicon carbide in specialized high-temperature furnaces. These extremes of temperature and pressure are replicated by what occurs naturally in meteorites. Skilled artisans cut and polish the resulting rough crystals to perfection.

The Lely process is a sophisticated technique used in moissanite production, named after its inventor. It basically involves the use of vaporized silicon carbide to gradually build up the layers on a seed crystal. These stones have incredible brilliance and fire, and their refractive index actually surpasses that of diamonds. Moissanites are so electrifying with the dazzle of brilliance as a result of controlled scientific methods of alchemy that they are able to harness light unlike any natural geological processes.


Moissanites are certified and graded by independent laboratories of gemology, for example, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI). These prestigious institutes use scientific techniques to examine the key features of the stone: carat weight, color, clarity, and cut.

Carat weight refers to the size of the stone and determines its presence and impact. Color grading goes from the brilliance of pure D to warmer tones at J, revealing the stone's unique palette. The clarity assessment examines the internal characteristics of the stone to ensure even the smallest inclusions are accounted for. Lastly, the cut evaluation is focused on the craftsmanship of the stone, making sure each facet is in its place to reflect light and give brilliance.

Moissanites support their brilliance and quality through detailed grading and certification procedures, building assurance for the buyer who desires exquisite gemstones.

Why Choose Moissanite?





Diamonds Vs Moissanites

Both are extremely well-known choices for engagement rings and other forms of jewelry. Diamonds are, in fact, a naturally occurring mineral stone that exudes strength and brilliance. Moissanites, on the other hand, are created in a laboratory and are referred to as diamond simulants since they have the same look and feel as the real thing at a minimal cost. While diamonds may be considered to have been used for years as a traditional stone for engagement rings, but moissanites have recently shown wide acceptance due to their affordability and ethical nature. After all, the choice one has to make between a diamond and moissanite depends on personal preference and budget.

To know more about Lab Grown Diamonds & Moissanites, please visit the FAQ's Page